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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

ok saw shorts , she's got a whiny voice, not a fan anymore @Glisten  lol ok she was on metalmasters on netflix apaz. and has MH/homeless story  that helped get her the film/biopic after bumping into producer somewhere

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB  Some areas around here have been getting half decent rain when forecast, but it mostly misses us. We've had to water the lawns and garden...anyway, supposedly up to 35mm tomorrow and up to 25mm Friday

Re: Tabaluga's

Evening gents @TAB @StuF @Jacques bought a block of VB for 60 bucks,I'm kicking back, hope you are too 

Re: Tabaluga's

Enjoy @Bill16  👍😎

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB it’s called the “Ick”. The thing that turns you off someone.

1. Chewing noises

2. Talking nonstop

3. Whining voice or have an upper inflection at the end of every sentence.

4. People who confuse opinion with fact

The list goes on….


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not had a drink since saturday here @Bill16  bit of a record for me recently .reckon weight loss injections might be messing w me lol was going to get on it this morning, ate and went to bed . reckon if get thru first few should work, ha ha @StuF 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

there was another f welder who actually works on ships and stuff on f b @Glisten started getting more and more about glamour pics , had already gone off her, then a guy started appearing , then she went full Trump promoter .. could not unfollow quick enough lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not watered front 'lawn' since march  @StuF  only did cos was dustbowl and no rain at all 60 days not mown this year , collectionof weeds got to 100mm maybe , was thinking yeah better see if can get mower going . then it fell over so doesnt look so high, just dead lol so might not mow this year at all. just spreads seeds anyways..

oh, for any green thumbs  .. bought 2 tomato plants today (yeah need dozens ) but its a start. were Grosse Lisses lol remember them from the 70s , ha. other one I want is beefhearts or even big reds. sick of thick skinned, chewy, tasteless crap fm shops. they can look really nice , just not good eating unless very thinly sliced , been engineered to not perish in transport now re thick skins , plus chemicals, get picked green, keept in freezer under gas 12 mths etc etc 

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @TAB  - supermarket tomatoes are pretty awful

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

reckon all good ones go to restaurants or cafe

gosh , rang tyrre place , woman was not all there , opposite of hard sell, was hard to buy ..  so rang same chain in other direction, they said got them, yes

so I re schedule getting blanket box going to use to put tv on for after that 

..then .. they ring back say only got 3 , so instead of saying when can you do 4 , I go off on oh try 2 tomorrow or and need to be on front not back, was bit much for brain, confused the poor guy. so just said when can you get 4 ? Friday. ok cu then, guess bald tyres ok for another few days lolo.. @StuF @Bill16  ffs driven on wire 15 years ago in younger and more care free days lolo..