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Why is justice NEVER done?

Something bad happened to me a few years ago.  A high profile person is involved and I feel this person has 'gotten away' with their behaviour.  I see this person often in the media and I feel such anger, bitterness and hatred.   I have tried to stop watching the news but I still hear about this person often and I feel sick that they are doing so well and that my life has been ruined.

I keep praying for justice, but they seem to just get 'better and better' and overly rewarded in this life (status, money, power etc.).   Why does the universe allow this and why don't bad things happen to them?

I feel sick all the time as I cannot get over this situation.  Why does justice not happen when it is NEEDED?   Why do bad people seem to do well in this life when they are so horrible?


Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

Unfortunately people of power are not nice people. No one with power or who wants to achieve power that will bring this person who has done this to you to justice will want to see justice done.

Powerful people are not driven to see justice done unless you are extremely famous (like what we are seeing happen in Hollywood).

Unfortunately that is how it goes in life the powerful are evil and protect each other.

Re: Why is justice NEVER done?


Thank you for your reply.  Yes it is terrible that this person seems to always be in the news or maybe it's just because I hear about them and it causes me so much anxiety.  I feel like making my story public but just don't have the strength.  Yes, you are right, I am not a famous person and so no one cares.  I don't know why bad people always get into power or is the power that turns them bad?

@BambiFawn perhaps you have some bible words about rich powerful people being held to account in the next life as I feel that is all I have to hope for.  Clearly justice is not being done in this lifetime.

Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

@girl99 Speaking for myself I couldnt destroy people to gain power and I am pretty sure from what you have said you wouldnt either. People with power are generally psychopaths who dont mind stepping over other people to get what they want and unless the likes of you and I have alot of other people with us to stand up to this person or organisation we just wont be heard.

I am so sorry this has happened to you but don't let him/her define who you are or what you become xx

Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

How lovely of you to think of me dear @girl99

There is one scripture for you that refers to what you are discussing dear @girl99.  It is 'We reap what we sow'..Galatians 6:7-9.Who we are today and who we will be in the future is a result of the seeds we sow daily. It is a result of the words we say, the actions we take, ...

Source- Got

''The idiom you reap what you sow is mostly likely directly referencing one of two verses in the New Testament. One is 2 Corinthians 9:6, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” The other is Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” As a general principle, it is definitely true that sowing leads to reaping. It’s true in agriculture, it’s true in charitable giving, and it’s true in life choices. So, “you reap what you sow” is biblical.

There are Old Testament verses that also refer to the principle that we reap what we sow. “Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster,” says King Solomon (Proverbs 22:8). “You have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil,” says the prophet (Hosea 10:13). “They will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes,” says Wisdom in Proverbs 1:31. In each case, the law of sowing and reaping goes back to God’s justice.''

We reap what we sow is the same thing as the new age expression ' karma'.  What we do will come back to us.' So don't worry, God is a God of justice and things make look good for them in the news but they will have bad karma and in any case everyone has their problems. Bad things happen to everyone Ecclesiastes 9:11.  Remember we all have problems/ troubles but if you pray about it my dear friend @girl99God will help you and deliver you from this situation and God will repay that person. 

Hugs, your dear friend BambiFawn


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Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

Hi @girl99

I am so sorry to read that you suffered an injustice at the hands of another. Although outwardly it can seem they do well in life and seem to have it all, in my experience this is rarely the case - inwardly they usually end up feeling very empty. They can sometimes think they are better and treat others disrespectfully, yes, but I assure you in the end all these type of people realise they are not better, realising that our graves are all the same and can suffer great remorse and regret in the end. (Steve Jobs life biography is a good example of this)

Good people can suffer, yes indeed, but in the end they have no regrets, a free conscience and an inner peace and fulfilment which power, money or status cannot buy.

Forget this person and people like them as they harm themselves far more than you or me. The best thing is to make a better life for you now and to focus on those loved ones, special ones who are worthy of your thoughts and intentions and where predators can hurt you no more. Wishing you healing x

Re: Why is justice NEVER done?


Thank you very much for your kind words.  I do try to forget, but then it's all in the media and this person is put up on a pedestal as being a good person in our community.  They are NOT good.  They are evil and horrid and I want to scream out and tell the world that they are bad but it seems they are held in high regard by others.  I'm so disappointed in my fellow mankind and in our society for believing in this person and I'm so upset with the universe for giving this awful person quite a powerful position.  

Thank you for your thoughts and for wishing me healing and peace.  I really hope one day I can find some peace but it seems unlikely as this person is continually put before me by the universe, I don't know why the universe keeps presenting this person to me. On tv and in the news.  It makes me SCREAM out with hate. This person personally did mean horrid things to me and got away with it.   I hope one day I can move away to a very remote location with no media and I hope that person ROTS in the deepest parts of the dark earth.  Sorry for my aggressive post.  I am usually a gentle person but I have been quite upset lately as I have all these thoughts and words and feelings that I cannot express and have to keep hidden and no one understands.  I hate injustice. I want the world to be a fair place, but it just isn't and I don't know how to deal with that. 


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Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

Don't be sorry my friend it's good to get it off the chest, the only way to move forward @girl99 I understand and am pleased you have a safe place to do it here. Sending a warm hug 🌹💕xx

Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

Sometimes it takes a long time for the wheel of life or natural justice to turn.

It sounds as if you are retraumatised by seeing images and references.  Look after yourself.

Sometimes speaking out does help justice happen, whistleblowers can have it hard though, sometimes it is wiser to bide your time.  Nobody can know that but you.

I have felt your rage though

when innocence suffers and people get away with injuring people.


Hope it helps to get it out here.


Re: Why is justice NEVER done?

dear @girl99

In a nutshell, the scripture that refers to what you are discussing is ' We reap what we sow.'.  I wrote quite a lengthy reply, but the Moderator must've removed it, because they don't like religious content, which is a bit disappointing   Nonetheless, the verse ' we reap what we sow', is rather like the new age word ' Karma' and we are reassured that God will repay them.  

Who we are today and who we will be in the future is a result of the seeds we sow daily. It is a result of the words we say, the actions we take, ...

A man reaps what he sows.” As a general principle, it is definitely true that sowing leads to reaping. It’s true in agriculture, it’s true in charitable giving, and it’s true in life choices. So, “you reap what you sow” is biblical.