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Single parents

Hi, I'm just wondering if there are any single parents in this group who really struggle with a child on bad days? Looking for help. Thanks


Re: Single parents

Hi CrazyTiger, it is Marchhare here. One of the forum moderators. I am sure you will get some replies for this important and interesting topic. Thank you for introducing it.

Re: Single parents

Hi @CrazyTiger


I am a single parent now but my kids' Dad was around when they were young but he often travelled for his work and I was alone and my son was a very troubled child - his behaviour was a struggle - so what you wrote rings a loud bell - yes indeed


It would be easier for you to have contact with people who are going through that now but I can relate to bad days with a child - they can try us and wear us down - and that doesn't make us bad parents.


It just is - but what to you do?


I remember the exhaustion - I cried a lot at night and now I wonder if I shouted for help or if that was a dream - not one helped though - and I saw a child psychiatrist for my son - which was less that helpful


I used to walk with my kids on the pram a lot - even when they were getting too heavy - my daughter was a sunny-natured child and learned quickly when to stop playing the game my son was into - but all I can say is that it is incredibly hard and suggest you speak to your doctor about this


Being a single parent is a tough task - my ex-h was the kind of man who was absent when he was in the same room but he was there I guess - you are alone and the days and nights must run into each other


I wish you the best and I wish I had more to offer



Re: Single parents

Hi @CrazyTiger Smiley Happy Welcome to the forum. It's nice to 'meet' you. 

It's great to see you ask this question and reach out here. There are lots of single parents around and lots who have struggle days. I am a single mum of three and I have some really hard days with it. I find the struggle is harder with mental health stuff to manage also. My kids are one of the biggest reasons I have to keep going and keep trying, but parenting also comes with enormous challenges. It can be really hard to find the energy and headspace to deal with myself sometimes, let alone myself plus three!

How old is your child (or children)? Do you have the support of other family or friends?

It would be great to hear some more about you if you'd like to and can share. You'll find lots of understanding here Smiley Happy

Hope to hear from you again soon.

Re: Single parents

Also, just wondering if someone may be able to move this thread somewhere where it may get more replies for you CrazyTiger? @Former-Member maybe 🙂

Re: Single parents

Thanks CheerBear. I'm totally new to this kind of thing. I am sooooo desperate that I Googled "bpd parenting and single parent". This forum thing appeared! Thanks for trying to help me.

Re: Single parents

It's great to see you back @CrazyTiger 🙂 I'm glad Google brought you here. It's a lonely journey sometimes but you're not alone here.

How's your day been? I'll be around for a little while (my kids are watching a movie) if you'd like to chat.

If you put an @ symbol in front of a name it will tag that person. It's easier for us to see each other's replies that way 🙂

Re: Single parents

@CheerBear. Lonely... I feel sooooo alone. My day so far has been dealing with my 3 year old and trying to get my place into some kind of order.
I hate this illness. I hate the way it affects my daughter.

Re: Single parents

@CrazyTiger - 3 year olds can be so so full on, for anyone, let alone someone on their own who has mental illness to manage also. Really, really hard going 😞

Your daughter would be busy at that age I am guessing? So tiring sometimes.

When you say getting your place into some kind of order, do you mean things like housework? That can be another big struggle with little people at home too. Is she in any form of childcare/kinder? Just wondering whether you get any time on your own to take a break.

How long have you been a single parent (if you don't mind me asking)? It's so ok to not answer anything/everything also.

I'm heading off for a couple of hours to get mine dinner and do the night time/bed time thing. I will be back later on though and others are around also.

Re: Single parents

Hi, thanks for your message. Being a single parent is really hard, especially when you have no support, but to be trying to live with this horrible illness just adds to it.
I really feel like I'm a bad mum to my daughter. I love her so much.
I feel so damn alone too. I thought I had good friends, but nobody seems to want to help.
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