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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I have never made sourdough. I have a bread maker and have made white, grain and gluten free with it.


@ArraDreaming good to hear from you my friend, I hope you're coping with work and all the other things you have going on x

Re: Not Coping

Okay cool. You do have to make a starter as it's an active yeast compared to what you use for a loaf of white or multigrain bread. 

Oh, I will get to the post in a minute. I'm still getting dinner. It's a late one for me tonight. @ENKELI 

What have you been up to with not having work?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I haven't done a whole lot since I left work princess. I was pretty devastated, even today when I was talking to my brother's boss about my job I started to tear up. 

I was still getting over my bronchial infection when I was let go, then I had my dental work and dry socket. I completed 2 diamond paintings and started a third, caught up with crazy cat lady and my mum and that's about it.

I'm going to see my doctor about getting a medical certificate to exempt me from having to look for work as right now I really am not mentally capable. I had serious SI after losing my job and I'm still not coping too well.


How about you honey? How has my princess been going? Anything exciting happen? Aside from 5he job, which is cool 💕💐🥰👑💙

Re: Not Coping

So, where do I begin? @ENKELI 

It's been about the end of June since I was last here. So, the month of July was hard because I didn't have work or uni. I did go home for a week and surprised Mum. I had a nice time, came back here and potterd around until uni started. I'm in week five of uni, and I'm studying biochemistry of genes and proteins, physics, sustainability challenges in science, and public health nutrition. All of them are going well so far. I am a bit behind on the physics unit, so I really need to catch up. I am enjoying the classes overall. 

I've had a few issues with my psych over the past couple of weeks regarding session frequency and maybe becoming dependent on him. 

Last week, during a session with my psychologist, we discussed the potential reduction of our sessions from weekly to fortnightly. This conversation deeply unsettled me because weekly sessions are crucial for my stability and support. Since that session, my emotional state has deteriorated significantly. I missed a class and have struggled to manage my daily life. I reached out to him to express my distress about the proposed change, highlighting how it has affected me and my ability to cope.

It was very hard, and from Thursday to Sunday, I was extremely suicidal and very scared. I am safe now with having uni and work. Today's session was very hard as we talked about it all, and I was pretty emotional, but I still didn't let myself cry. I didn't want to break down, I guess. I really wanted to cry, but I just couldn't. I don't know why. I don't know why I wasn't comfortable enough to cry. I honestly was really upset with my psych about how things had happened. He still didn't say sorry or anything today. I feel like I've wasted the past three weeks going over session frequency and how it's upset me so much. 

In the end, we are still keeping the appointments as they are, except for a few weeks when he isn't free. Which also really upset me a couple of weeks back. I went to book for September, and the 1:45 pm session had already been taken. He let someone else take it even though he knows I have had that session all year and that I can't really do any other time due to uni on Thursday and Friday. 

I'm not really sure what changed his mind, but oh well. He could really tell how sad I was today over the past week. I also seem to minimise everything that happened, but it's not like I was intentionally doing it i think I am just so used to doing it. It just happens. I think I'll ask him next week about that and me not being able to cry. Last week, I did get very close to today. I do think it's kind of funny. The most I get emotional is when it has to do with him. If I'm sitting there talking about the bullying or something else, I don't really feel anything. 

Today, he said exactly what I wanted regarding the sessions and keeping things as they are. I can't quite remember what it was now, but he mentioned how hard things are at the moment, that I need support and that maybe he didn't fully realise how bad things have been. 

Overall I think I'm a bit more comfortable about the whole session situation. 

Honestly, I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I haven't been around, and I feel awful about it. 

I hope you don't hate me because of it. 

Your post

Oh, I'm so sorry, @ENKELI. How can I help? I'm back, and I'm not going anywhere. Can you share a photo of the diamond paintings?

Ah, are you on Centrelink job seeker or something? 

I'm sorry your MH is not great at the moment. 

Oh, @ENKELI, I'm sorry everything has been so hard for you. I hope our being able to connect again will help a little. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 not yet but we will have them up and going soon we only moved about 3 weeks ago

Re: Not Coping

That's exciting. What do you want to grow? 

I have growing tulips, daffodils, rhubarb, African Violet, and a succulent/flower plant. 

How big is it again? @ArraDreaming 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 my darling girl you made my whole month when I read your message last night.

My former workplace refused to send me a separation certificate so I missed out on centrelink payments until now. As I have no income I need to get some assistance. 

Please don't think you need to apologise princess, I'm just glad you're back. I've been chatting with @Glisten which has been lovely as she is a Perth girl too, and we're the same age. So now I have another friend which is nice.

It does sound like you might be dependent on your psych but considering you're in a city away from your closest family it's not surprising. 

Have you met any new people? I haven't. in touch with a friend to see if she wanted to catch up and she never got back to me. That was 2 weeks ago. I guess she's not interested in me anymore. Oh well, I'm used to that.

I'm happy to hear you're enjoying your classes. And physics is hard! I'm so proud of you that you're doing physics, you clever smart girl!


My MH usually suffers during winter. My dad told me he think I may suffer from SAD like he does. The whole situation around work of course made me feel like I was back to square one, trying to feel like I am worthy and useful when I don't believe that I am.

But having you back makes me want to give you a big squishy jump up and down hug!



Re: Not Coping

Aww thank you @ENKELI 

Oh no that's not right. I hope you will get it. 

Yeah, I've been keeping tabs and saw the tomato messages, hahaha. 

Oh, you think that as well? Mmm, it's not like I'm that close with them emotionally, though, anyway. 

He said I could develop it if we keep doing it weekly, so I don't know why he changed his mind today. Maybe me becoming suicidal over it says something. I will also like to say I definitely didn't become suicidal, just so he would continue weekly. I honestly was very scared. 

Not really. I am going out to a games night on Friday 20-30 year olds so that will be interesting. 

I'm sorry that sucks when people don't message back. Maybe she didn't get it, because I messaged my aunt and somehow she didn't get it when I asked her if she got it. 

It's so hard, I just hope I pass. 

Ah, yes, that makes sense. Do you see a psych? 

You are definitely worthy @ENKELI. You mean everything to me. 

Oh yes, tell me about it. I so want to give you a big squishy hug. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8  I had a couple of phone sessions with a counsellor, I also have been seeing my GP who also is bipolar and he's been helping with coping techniques. 

I can access face to face sessions but it takes forever to get to see someone.


I know that you're not trying to manipulate your psych into seeing him weekly but like anything that helps us we can grow dependent on that support. That's why people end up addicted to prescription medication, they begin to rely on it instead of learning to work through the pain. 

Have you learnt any coping skills to help you when you are in a bad way? 

That's not to say you don't need weekly sessions either. I think it's something only you and your psych can determine.

For me I prefer to work through things myself and only seek help when it gets really bad. 


Do you need to sign off sweet girl?

Re: Not Coping

That's good to hear. I hope your GP can support you more. 

I better go. I will reply tomorrow sorry. @ENKELI