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Re: Not Coping

Hi @Birdofparadise8 

It is a good day, I've been catching up with friends. Just at a nursery, I am thinking about getting some balcany plants. How are you doing?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 hey princess, so glad to hear your mum is supporting you seeing your psych weekly. That's one less stress for you. 

Parents often say things in the moment,  not realising that sensitive kids will pick up on it. My God children overheard me saying something to their mum about not having a lot of money and my Godson came to me later to say I could use his savings. He was such a sensitive caring kid, unlike his sister. 

You are such a sensitive and caring girl I know how that would upset you.

Remember though,you are NOT a burden on your parents. They love you and want the best for you.

And your Granny is proud of you too 👸👑💙💐

I'm being lazy and watching TV, I don't really need to go shopping so I'm going to do some baking and get dinner prepared so I can join chat tomorrow this evening 🤗



Re: Not Coping

@Blackbird11 you are at my favourite place! What sort of plants are you thinking of getting?

I love Bunnings for the plants, it's like a zen spot for me.

I hope your Sunday goes well 🥰

Re: Not Coping

That's good. I wish her a speedy recovery @Snowie 

I think I'll stay home. I have some washing and cleaning to do. 

Nice, did you go to the nursery in New Town @Blackbird11 

What plants did you get?


Yes, it is. 

Aww, that is so kind of you to say. 

I am also being lazy. I submitted the assignment, and so I just want to relax for a bit. 

Yay, I do hope you join us. It will be great. 

Re: Not Coping


I'm not to sure as what to get yet. My balcony is shaded with the balcony balustrade. I have a stand that is one shelf above the balustrade, so thinking succulents on that one. I might go to bunnings next and see too. How are you doing? Hugs 🤗 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 sometimes we need a nice lazy day at home. It gives us an opportunity to recharge the batteries.

I'm happy to hear you got your assignment submitted, no doubt you'll get a good grade for it too 🤗

Have you got the place to yourself today or are the room-mates lurking around? 



Re: Not Coping

They are here, but I'm not sure if they are awake awake yet. They weren't back when I went to bed last night, so I have no clue what time they came home. @ENKELI 

What banana bread recipe do you use? 

Yes, I am happy too. I've very much relived that was a lot of hard work. 


Re: Not Coping

@Blackbird11 I'm doing well thanks. 

Succulents sound good. Do you have any other plants in mind? I love ferns for shadier areas too.

My mum gave me too peace lilies for my birthday and I'm pleased to say they are doing well 4 months later! I've never had much luck with them before.

Whatever you choose will no doubt look good and inviting 🤗


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I am using a recipe from for the banana bread. It's the first time making it so hopefully it will be as good as it claims. I'll let you know 😊

Do you have a favourite recipe you use?



Re: Not Coping

Hey @Birdofparadise8 thanks for the tag
Doing some fam stuff at home, see you on the chat probably