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Re: Not Coping

@creative_writer hey there lovely! How are you going today? Are you feeling better?

I have brain fog at the moment, I'm tired and trying to remember where I put dads' medals for tomorrow. I think I need a shot of caffeine to wake the brain cells up. It's only 6pm for goodness sakes!


Coffeeeeeeeee. Neeeeeeeeeeed coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I did see your message earlier, but forgot to reply 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’m okay right now, it was a rough earlier, but PRN helped.

@ENKELI better after PRN. I have brain fog right now too, I think emotions are draining. I hope coffee helps

Re: Not Coping

All good @creative_writer 

I'm sorry you're struggling so much. I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything that's on your mind. 

I don't drink coffee or tea, @creative_writer @ENKELI. I just drink water and milk which is a hot chocolate. 

Re: Not Coping

@creative_writer you are so right. Emotions are draining. I didn't realise how much anxiety I had about the job interview I had yesterday until the morning and as I was getting ready I started to feel all the symptoms I usually experience and I have run out of medication, plus I didn't want to turn up to the interview looking like I might be on something. I kept telling myself I wasn't worried about it but when I got home I went grocery shopping and then all but fell onto my bed after I'd finished putting everything away. My friend was going to come over and see me but I had to call and reschedule because I just felt so exhausted. I've been out and about today but again I am now ready for bed. I might just watch some TV in bed.

I am so glad you're feeling better. You need to look after yourself. I hope you are able to relax today and tomorrow. Are you going to any ANZAC services?


@Birdofparadise8 I am going to climb into bed but I have my tablet with me so I'll still be around. I will probably channel surf in between chatting with you 

Re: Not Coping


I'm doing some diamond art. I'll post a photo tomorrow. 

What would you like to talk about?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I’m okay now, bipolar disorder can be chaotic. I didn’t drink coffee or tea regularly till I became an adult. Then I realised caffeine helps me concentrate, but can’t have too much or I feel ill.

@ENKELI I had my placement meeting-interview thing yesterday. It can be nerve wrecking. Interviews really do so much out of you. I’m staying home tomorrow, are you going to ANZAC services?

Re: Not Coping

Yeah I'm sorry @creative_writer 

I hope your interview went well. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 we can talk about anything you like. I've got my mocha and a couple of shortbread bikkies for an after dinner snack and I'm trawling through my streaming services to find something to watch.


How has your week been? 

Re: Not Coping

@creative_writer I hope you get to relax and recharge the batteries tomorrow. 

I'm going to an 8.30am service with my mum. I'm trying to find where I put my dad's medals so I can wear them.


Do you have BPD1? I have BPD2 so not so much of the major highs and lows. Apparently I was a little manic earlier this month which was a surprise to me but my brother noticed. I'm level now, not sure if that's good or bad sometimes!

Re: Not Coping

What else do you have other than Netflix, or is that all? 

Yummy, but not the coffee part. Will that not keep you awake tonight? 

It's not been very eventful, just my psych today and uni. @ENKELI 

We are working on our research assignment. It's a group of 6500 words due in four weeks. I'm actually enjoying the research one more than I thought I would. My current one is on emotional intelligence.