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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hope cat is ok at least have pieced together it was here when happened. Not seen it since

Yair forgot I was in th' hood .. some dude turned into steak tartare last night and gets care flight to Adelaide. Last year 2 cops turned into sushimi by dude w samurai sword in other closet St oknext St other way. Course they fired a warning shot into ceiling before getting 12 rounds in him lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

100m from my place @Bill16  was one 12 mths ago 100m other way. Then few blocks away someone pulled a pistol on neighbour 6am somewhere in between lol.nap here

Re: Tabaluga's

Hello sweetheart @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @StuF I think having MI is very "hard to stomach" and it hits the center of will in the solar plexus. Until I addressed my solar plexus chakra my goals were impossible to attain. Prior to my first episode I used to have an iron will and put myself through gruelling studies at uni. After my breakdown my determination and willpower was no more. I went on like this for years.  By healing and balancing my solar plexus chakra I was able to follow through and have motivation drive and commitment in certain areas of my life where I wanted to reach my goals. I know its esoteric but the health of our chakras determine human behaviour, whats not working for us and how we relate to others. I followed a psychologist once who made chakras her life work because of the limitations inherent in psychotherapy 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, sorry to hear about your neighbourhood troubles. Just been  reading the kindle. Going for a bath soon. Hope you're okay

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16 hello beautiful cool Bill

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hey @Meowmy  am up again, split some wood. not seen cat since last night. might watch some tv before free period up, ha

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, site is super slow. Very good re wood. Hope TV is good to watch. Enjoy the afternoon


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..back didnt play up chopping @Meowmy  but puffing still when came inside. reminds me, got to do some kindling before tonight

RSL guy was here yest, claimed my number  said 'disconnected' think he put in phone wrong anyway he left a note at door

he must get paid to catch up w me, was pushy, I pretty much said was too busy then he says a date like pressure sales  and gets off phone quick as can.

Will see him once more at least. not much use to me, neither is psych anymore either, told them exactlywhat I did Not want (to be doing) and he agreed , then did exact opposite. Everyone pushing their own agendas.anyway will leave neighborhood thing. prob good reason to get new/better locks tho lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, guess you will move on from RSL guy and psy. The course will be good to focus on.