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Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Former-Member 


So like your name. 


I am looking at your recipe for sausage rolls and thinking about making them next week..... Mmmm



@Birdofparadise8             @SmilingGecko 

@MDT @Historylover @Lila3 


All is good. I cleaned my tiny unit yesterday - I haven't even looked at the kitchen but my loungeroom has been very messy for the whole 2 years i've lived here. 


Early this morning, a neighbour bought me a coffee - 😊 


I am virtually drinking it with you. Because I virtually bought you one. I'm imagining we are drinking it together ......




Re: Good Morning!

Great to hear from you @tonys about your circumstance


Rest up, mend well


See you sooner than later


(And, of course, keep writing!)

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @MDT 

Great poem..... Carpet diem ??? 

Oh it's carpe diem.....




Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Cheers for the coffee @PeppyPatti 😀🤗🌺 

So nice to have this virtual coffee sitting with you 🌺☺️

Sausage rolls… sounds yum! I’m going to make them again myself later this week as I have chicken mince in the freezer ready to go 🙂 I also found there’s frozen sliced avocado pieces in the freezer section of Woolworths so I’ve decided to get some of those to see how they go in the recipe (I’m guessing they might be a bit firmer than fresh/ripened ones, however I was going to use my NutriBullet thing to blend before adding to the mixture). 
If you do make them I hope you enjoy them, and please do let me know what you think if you’d like to 🙂🌺


sounds like yesterday was busy with cleaning jobs there - I was doing the same here before settling in to do some reading last night. ☺️

I hope your day goes well PeppyPatti, and you’re feeling good 😊🙌🏻🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Read on net the trick to best sausage rolls is adding cream @PeppyPatti  it the latest thing. Then someone on Taste said curtis stone did that years ago.

Re: Good Morning!

Oh goodness me @tonys 😱

Thats awful. You are lucky to still be alive from the sound of it. You are a duffer aren't you? Wandering around in the dark and falling down an open hatch into the cellar. Heck!  If you wanted excitement,  you should'a said. I'm sure some of us here could have organised something,  without the hardware repairs required. 😂


All jokes aside. I had thought you were quiet,  but presumed I had missed a post somewhere along the line. I am truly sorry to hear you are seriously injured and hospitalised. Really hope you are being well cared for and will be recovered enough for discharge soon. 


Sending healing vibes and get well wishes your way 🌹🌻🌷

Re: Good Morning!

Of course he did @TAB 


What do we know ?? 

Hey y'all, how is everyone this weekend ?? 



I bought a woman's weekly today. Learning to just relax....

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @TAB , @PeppyPatti , @Emelia8 , @Former-Member , @StuF , @Dimity , @RiverSeal , @oceangirl , @MDT 😁😊

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Adge 😀 how are you