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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @TAB hope youre doing ok. Feel tonnes better after getting into regular derivative sitz bath habits again. The detox feeling is incredible. You feel positive upliftment and wonderful feelings of clarity.  I've let go of more toxins!!! Typical virgo. Went on the Zen Chi machine again this morning for exercise. Won't go out for a walk until I feel truly better. Told @Glisten my leggings arrived in the post. For $8 its quite amazing. My last pair were too big after my weightloss journey. They dont pill or fall apart. I've walked miles in them in the past

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Go the Metal Workers ✊🏼


Re: Good Morning!

@SmilingGecko  Well done you. You do more in one day than I do in a week.


The gym is the next floor down and inside the gym is the sauna.


Got to go 


Re: Good Morning!

Talk about convenience @Glisten they've built a bridge here 10 minutes from my house. Spoke to a coach recently who owned an online healthfood shop and walking up an incline is meant to be good for belly burn (apart from getting heavy metals out which is what I do off and on). Need to be more consistent. Getting there! Enjoy your day 🙂 

Re: Good Morning!

I'm very proud of you  @TAB   Look at you know..   Wide eyed hungry minds wait on your every word.


I have said to you,  too many times,   You are a man that can do anything he sets his mind too.

I don't feel quite so bad being a nagging mother now,   although I know you achieved this,  drawing 

from every last reserve within  you.   Despite the awful weather and  MH  waves that just kept coming,

You won the day, all on your own.. 


 I'll go out on a limb and say everyone on Sane that knows you . . .  Applauds you..


Hello    @SmilingGecko   @Glisten   @ENKELI   @MDT  @Adge  @Oaktree  @Meowmy 

@Former-Member  @greenpea  @Historylover   @PeppiPatty  @Doldip15  @Jynx @saturnzoon 

@Shaz51  @Emelia8 n Hannah.  And  @EternalFlower @StuF .. @Former-Member @Sophia1 @MDT 


Hope the scenery behind your eyes is  an English country picnic today. 


Don't the  M H critters just love dark vacuums.  Busy hands and creative active minds are blinding

lights that send them scurrying into the shadows. 


Its on us,   burn bright,  with every scrap of energy we have,   and get this beast back in the  jam jar 

where it belongs.


Will be scant in the trenches  for a bit.   Please don't be offended if I miss a post,  its not a sign your 

forgotten. Just means I'm happily misplaced on the shelves in my mind.        Kind thoughts to you all                   tonys..






Re: Good Morning!

Hello @tonys how are you today? Its lovely to see you on here again. I hope you are doing reasonably ok. Love your writings as usual. You have so much dexterity with the english language. I always look forward to reading your posts that have such a panoramic view on life. 


Whats up in your world? Is everything going well with you today? Don't know whether you followed up with the blue solar water but you may just want to get the best quality blue glass so it does not leech anything into the water.  Just wanted to say...


Another option is just getting a plain glass drinking bottle from kmart for $1 and wrap it in blue cellophane. Amazon sells some good cobalt blue cellophane on a long roll. One thing I noticed with blue solar water is that it offers tranquility and seems to work on automatic reactions fuelled by past traumatic events. It seems to clear it all away and give you more liberty to let go of the past and be unhindered. That has been my experience and its the way of ho'oponopono which is Hawaiian Shamanism which utilises the drinking of solarized water as a spiritual practice.


Drinking solarized water seems to have also existed in ayurveda and chinese medicine. I have read up on lots of articles. Anyway it feels like you are stepping into a new life that is totally benign and full of so much hope. It just erases any emotional reaction brought on by trauma which would normally be re-activated given the right circumstances. 


You remain calm, composed and at ease on blue solarized water. Anyway let me know how you go with it

Re: Good Morning!

...I totally winged it @tonys  and got unbelievable response!!

was nervous the whole like 25mins , had expected nerves to go away after a few minutes..

great feedback.. 

Re: Good Morning!

Well done @TAB! You just got a dopamine hit. Wheres your next port of call today? 

Re: Good Morning!

You’re teaching. Sensational! my @TAB 👍


hello @MDT , @tonys , @SmilingGecko , @Historylover , @oceangirl , @Emelia8 , @CrazyChick , @PeppiPatty 


thanks for the tag @Glisten 😁

Re: Good Morning!


Morning all

had my psychologist appointment cancelled today, when I really needed to see her.


I received a letter saying I have my house inspection on the 12th, only thing is this new person I have is very strict and in my spare room where all my

contrainers and boxes are I was told I just had to had a clear path from the door to windows,

but this new one said I'm not allowed to have anything on the left side which is impossible for me to do that, as am still waiting to find out if I can get the shed and air conditioner through Wyatt Foundation

The new person told me last time I'd get a written warning which will be my second one, if it wasn't gone and will get one more I'll be evicted, so my anxiety is so high and worried me and my son might not have a home soon


@Shaz51 @SmilingGecko @TAB @tonys @Glisten @MDT @oceangirl 

@Emelia8 @PeppyPatti @CrazyChick @Historylover