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Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thank you @Shaz51 

I'm very lucky. Tired now I think the sleepless night last night and today has caught up on me. Off to bed I think. Enjoy your good night's sleep in your new bed xx love and hugs ❤️


Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Well that’s something @Shaz51 sorry to hear it though

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Sleep well  @Anastasia , see you tomorrow  xx 


See what's happens now 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thinking of you @Shaz51 .

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thank you  @TheVorticon ♥️


Not applicable

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51  I do hope the insurance companies will come to your aid quickly and then you can start to rebuild your lives.  Such an awful shock for you. This photo came up on my Facebook image.jpegquite inspiring

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

I'm a bit of a latecomer to this thread, but I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, @Shaz51 . I can only wish you smooth sailing going forward. Smiley HappyHeart

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 . Thinking of you.



Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Been thinking of you my beautiful friend @Shaz51 wish there was more we could do for you 

sending lots of love and hugs 🤗❤️Xxoo

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thank you  @chibam , @BlueBay , @Maggie , @Former-Member ♥️♥️

Love the picture  @Former-Member xxx

Well we have to buy a new mattress for the bed @Former-Member  and things in repair  shop for Mr shaz 

Thank you  my sister @BlueBay , just a waiting game now,  one day at a time 

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