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partner with SZ

Hello, I recently started dating a man with SZ. he told me straight up when we started our relationship that he was diagnosed with SZ less than a year ago. I am a nurse and normally not scared of new things and illnesses but I also have not much experience with Mental Health issues. I recently went away for a few weeks and my BF ( he lives with me ) was left alone at home. Since than I can see a change in behaviours. He has been hearing voices which are becoming more and he also started delusional thoughts like people are watching and he has chip in his head so people can read his mind and he is sending telepathic messages to others through god etc. He has troubles concentrating and is forgetful.He has been on Meds but only on and off as he has bad side effects such as vertigo, feeling depressed and low and not wanting to do anything.He knows he has an illness as he has been to Hospital, voluntarily , for a couple of weeks but sometimes he says he no longer believes that he has SZ and doesnt need any meds. I would like to find a good psychiatrist on the Gold Coast, QLD as my BF is willing to go and see a DR with me, to better treat his condition and have a better way of dealing with it and hopefully find medication that will stop or at least reduce the voices. I can see his daily struggle with himself and his thoughts and I feel quiet helpless and are not really sure how I can help him. I also was interested in a support group on the Coast for both, sufferers and carers. thanks so much for any replies.


Re: partner with SZ

If you are fortunate enough to be in QLD, try get him to visit Dr Stuckey.  Dr Stuckey has had Biobalance training and been treating schizophrenia from a biochemistry perspective using nutrient therapy based on individual test results for many years.  Other Biobalance trained GPs can be found on the website.



Re: partner with SZ

Hi Janine,


Welcome to the Forums!

It sounds like you have some great plans of action - great that you're out looking for assistance & being proactive!

There are two directories that you may find helpful:

Find a Psychiatrist: This is through The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. You can specify location and primary problem area.

Find a Psychologist: Similar to above. This is through the Australian Psychological Society


There is also a great organisation called ARAFMI, which is for carers of people with a mental illness. The one based in QLD seems to has a telephone support line (they can help with services for you & your partner), Workshops for carers & support groups. To find out more, their website is

Finally, this community of carers is also a great place to ask questions, hear about others' experiences and get support & advice.

I hope we continue to "see" you around 🙂




Re: partner with SZ

Hi Janine,

I just came across your post and I thought I would welcome you to the forums too!! I was wondering, how are you going? Have you managed to make contact with any of the referrals that I see have been posted on this thread yet?

Keep in touch!!

Re: partner with SZ

Thanks for all the replies so far. And thanks for the support. My boyfriend and me went to a GP today and got a referral for a Psychiatrist and he has another GP appointment next wednesday for a Mental Health Care plan so he can see a psychologist as well to talk through things. Now weneed to make an appointment with the Psychiatrist as well.

He has started back on medication as well which I have to say is good and he is complient in taking it most of the time but he occasionally thinks he is not sick and doesnt need the meds.So I have to convince him to have his meds. I feel a little upset though coz I see his struggle with himself and see when he is stressed and anxious that his symptoms getting worse. Sometimes I dont know how to react to it but to try and support him and show him I am here for him. I know he appreciates it. I guess its something I will learn to deal with over time. We are quiet honest with each other so thats good.


Im happy that there is help out there. And that we are not alone in this journey.


thanks again and if anybody else has the same experiences like me please let me know.

Re: partner with SZ

Good on u ,I have a son with sz and I would love him to meet someone as understandable as you. Its a shame there is not more people like you  in the world. good luck to u both.

Re: partner with SZ

Hi Janine,

How did you go with the GP yesterday, and did you guys get a Care Plan organised that you are happy with?


Re: partner with SZ

hey there. thanks for you comment.. its been a hard last few weeks though, since I came back from Holidays my bf has changed significantly in his behaviour. he talks a lot to the voices and has mood swings a lot which is actually quiet hard for me to cope with. he is on medication but they dont seem to help at all, they seem to make it worse with the moodswings and the anger esp because he doesnt really wanna take them as they make him so tired, and make him gain weight and its not stopping the voices. He also does not think that he actually is ill at the moment and believes that the voices are real. we talk about it every day.. its really frustrating and I am actually feeling very down myself and cry a lot recently. I dont want to get sick myself. How do you cope as a mum with your sons symptoms? which symptoms has he got and what treatment is he on? I dont want to walk away as I do love him and want to be there for him but its so overwhelming.I never dealt with anythig like this before and have not found anybody yet who can give me some answers and helpful advice.I read a lot about sz to give me better understanding. but that obviously doesnt help with the day to day situations.I hopeIi hear back from you. thanks

Re: partner with SZ

Regarding a doctor..
Dr Philip Morris is *apparently* good.

Re: partner with SZ

So sorry to hear about your situation. It is so, so difficult. Usually it takes time for recovery because time is needed to get first, the right medication, then the right dosage. And of course the right doctor for talking about the problems as well as simply writing prescriptions. If things don't get better soon, maybe you will need to consider asking the Dr. to change the medication or 'up the dosage'. Meanwhile, please don't forget to take time out for you. This is vital. Your own health and wellbeing is just as important as the health and wellbeing of your boyfriend.

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