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Re: A new start (kind of)

Hi @BryanaCamp @MDT and other’s. Is “meetup” a term everyone below a certain age uses for “catch-up” or is it a colloquialism from a part of Australia you must both live in ?!? Yes hope you enjoyed your lunch @BryanaCamp Does it matter to others if you’re emotional or is it just that you mind? Family & others not understanding MI must be hard for you so it’s good that you can see it as their ‘lack’. I suppose maybe we might have been the same before our lived experience. Best to just appreciate the people who empathetically support us & afterall no one can really understand unless they could get inside our heads & in my case that certainly wouldn’t be fun! Not sure if it’s a good idea but I’m having a meetup (actually a walk too - does that still make it a meetup?!) initiated by a major over-achiever who has raised her children in ways I wish I could. “Driven” really is an understatement for this capable down-to-earth woman but she’s had no luck in love & her eldest high achiever had depression but is ok now he’s chosen a direction she initially can’t have liked. Meanwhile, I can’t even put 1 of gazillions of washing baskets away 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 Serious question: other than writing a list which quickly overwhelms me & muting & restricting the activities of 5 others in the house (hahaha), how can I organise my life/house if I can’t organise my thoughts & behaviour? 

@Shaz51 Did you say you slept alright last night? 

Did you walk today @TAB 

Hey @Appleblossom I think your name sounds feminine so you might be too unless you’re a nature lover? 

@Zoe7 how’s Toby? 

Ok now I’m putting away 1 basket before I post next! 

Re: A new start (kind of)

if you organise the house it will free up space to let you work on your life. Or so I've found. , when things going ok. @Sam3  no walks for a few days here, just full on vegging, which has got to stop sometime soon. Seems stopping smoking has financed a lost summer of lounge-ness lol, ie if still smoking I would have been working ages ago . however have probably taken things way too ffar

Re: A new start (kind of)

@Sam3 meetup is actually an app. You can download it and different people host events through it. A bit like a Facebook account.

I dunno if I will go tonight. Still undecided. Dad wants me to go with them for dinner as a family but I'm not too up for much at all. Feel really depressed today 😕

Hope your day was nice though

Re: A new start (kind of)

Toby is better today @Sam3  but I have been unwell all night and today. Think it has passed now but definitely not able to do much - feeling very weak and tired still. I am grateful it is a long weekend for us here and I may be able to catch up on some things tomorrow.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Thanks @TAB for the encouragement but you haven’t seen our house (husband says it’s not disorganised, we just have too much stuff! De-cluttering should be the goal & a friend ‘in the know’ says she’ll get a support worker to call me so I can maybe do a bit next week without getting overwhelmed & more depressed as it spirals quickly for me unfortunately). Positive update since promises to myself in last posts- I did not 1 but 3 baskets, sorted shoes, & paid 4 bills (but I’m still in my PJ’s & psyching myself up to meet with superwoman soon NB she contacted me not other way round so that’s nice but will have to guard my negative thoughts & disappointments about my parenting & MI). Go on @TAB have a short walk to celebrate those new lungs! 

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hi @Zoe7 Really sorry to hear you’ve been unwell but glad you have long weekend & Toby has recovered. Can your family take care of you when you’re unwell- do they know? Take care 

Re: A new start (kind of)

Thanks for the IT explanation @MDT Tonight why don’t you consider doing what YOU want. Could you maybe do the family dinner then the meetup? If you’re feeling really depressed it’s understandable to feel like you’re coming down after the exhausting last week (including adrenaline) so take things gently re expectations of yourself. 

Re: A new start (kind of)

No @Sam3  I am better off by myself to get through it and recover. Feeling very lethargic at the moment but better than I was last night and this morning. Spent most of the afternoon snuggled in the doona on the couch. Toby is much better so that is a relief. He has been staying close to me today - nothing unusual there but it does mean he is feeling better. Yesterday all he wanted to do was lay on his pillow and looked so sad - he has his happy, smiley face back somewhat today.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Well that's good @Sam3  I was telling myself I had weeks to move out of house re cleaning up etc (ok this was a few weeks ago) then no -showing at a couple jobs (?) hadnt done that in a few years.. anyway, then walking madly , now not walking and .Yes. ok A short walk coming up. 

Re: A new start (kind of)

I don't want to do either @Sam3
Im content staying at home.
I'm not great for either tbh