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Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

great question @Former-Member. I hope you have a great support network around you. Especially a good GP that you can discuss the medication issues with.

There is a great book by Carolyn Costin I highly recommend you having a look at it. She has recovered from an eating disorder herself. She is very insightful.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Hi @Faith-and-Hope!

You can click refresh in the box at the top of your browser where you type in web addresses - it is on the right and is usually a symbol of an arrow going around in a circle Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

I dont know but i think i may have an eating disorder.  When I am emotional I eat uncontrably, excessively and shove as much food as i can in my mouth.  And the more i eat the faster i shove it in my mouth.

I then feel disgusted with myself, angry and hate my body and my behaviour.

i feel that i have no control when i am doing this. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Great question @Bimby2. It is so important to talk to your GP or Psychiatrist regarding your concerns about weight gain and be really honest. Through experience we have found anti-depressants can be great in dealing with eating disorders. There are new medications on the market that don’t have such severe side effects. Good Luck.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Thanks for joining us @Former-Member Smiley Happy

So for you, it sounds like your eating disorder comes into play as a way to relieve stress, regain a sense of control, or be kind to yourself, especially as you are tackling a number of other concerns at the same time. But it sounds like this sometimes gets out of control, is that right?

Have others had similar experiences?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June


Ok ..... working on an iPad here and I can't see a button that fits that description, so will continue using "Previous" and "Next" to refresh the page.

I am really just interested in following along the discussion tonight .....

My husband has an as-yet undiagnosed eating disorder, complex as it has symptoms that range across quite a spectrum, so where I was looking at EDNOS (or OSFED) for some sort of understanding and guidance as to how to manage our family through this, it seem to fit "atypical bulimia" the best I think ......

He is still really deep in denial, and it is throwing our family all over the place, but until he surfaces to the Pre-contemplative stage, there seems little we can do, other than hold on for dear life, pray, try to keep the peace even though that involves accommodating and enabling to some degree ..... I have waved every flag I know how to wave, and finally, finally the GP has woken up to it, but what do you do with a husband / father in denial ??

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Thanks for being so honest @BlueBay. If you are feeling that there are behaviors you are doing that are causing you stress and anxiety its normally a sign that there is something going on that you need help with. I would highly recommend you see your GP and discuss these feelings your having or you can even call the Eating Disorders Victoria helpline for some advice. You can even speek to your GP about a mental health plan that will allow you to see a mental health professional for ongoing help. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Hi @Building_Hope

I have emailed Eating Disorders of Vic but never received a reply.  I do see a pysch and a therapist.  I am about to go back into hospital to change my meds so now am worried that my weight will increase.  i will discuss this with my psych next week when i see him.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Hi @BlueBay, thanks for joining us.

It sounds like you experience a bit of a cycle, in that feeling emotional triggers overeating, which feels out of control, leading to feelings of disgust towards your behaviour and body, which I imagine leaves you feeling more emotional, starting the cycle again. Is that right?

Does anyone else experience a similar pattern?

@Building_Hope, I am curious - do you have to be diagnosed with an eating disorder to have issues with food? Or can disordered eating occur alongside other mental illnesses as well?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Disordered eating & recovery: Building & maintaining hope // Tues. 28 June

Yes @Shimmer it is a vicious cycle. I don't know how to break it.

I try to distract myself or keep busy but it doesn't work.  And it is worse if i am home alone - OMG i just can't stop.  Ashamed also comes into my mind.