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Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

@Former-Member I totally agree with you!!!! The only reason I am able to see a psychologist at the moment is that my sessions are being funded through the NSW victims of crime program. I don't know what state you are in, but here in NSW anyone who has been a victim of crime can get 22 funded sessions. There are also further provisions for anyone who went before the Royal Commission into institutional childhood abuse. Given the nature of some of my muddle, I have been told I will be able to get ongoing funded sessions. It seems that a lot of people aren't aware of this program. I only learnt of it when I went before the Royal Commission. I don't know if other states have similar programs.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

It is so important that you share your experience @Aonaran - that is the only way the system can improve.

Its hard, there are many days where I feel like I have little to offer too.

But of we keep telling our stories respectfully, and keep demanding better, we create a better future for those that follow.

If enough people say "This works for me" we will find "What works for us!"

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

The values section is, as you say it, just words! These are core values that many organisations and departments already STATE - where's the actual action.

Value 1 - Uphold human rights and dignity - this seems to be one of the least addressed value in our current system. We hear so many stories here of how people do not seem to have any rights, or negligible rights, in the current environment and there certainly is no dignity in many of the stories.

The inability for some to find adequate help is often reliant on 'money'. Not everyone can relate to or feel comfortable with 'just seeing anyone' - and this often has both a detrimental impact on one's physical and mental health as well as their 'back pocket' Sometimes in order to find the 'right fit' for someone seeking treatment they have to feel comfortable with who they are seeing - and the current system does not allow for this to happen - going back a bit here to the 10 sessions - should be 10 sessions with someone that a person is comfortable with - not just the first available! Isn't that then upholding basic human rights and dignity!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Mental health education is being conducted in many schools as a result of the research and creation of a Teen to Teen Mental Health First Aid Course. I arranged for this course to be conducted for a Community Youth Health group. I attended as a support worker and was extremely impressed by the way the course was constructed and oresented. If only this had been available when I was in my teens.......

I have becone involved in a major reform of Mental Health in a large organisation. I am grateful to have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to change attitudes and treatment of personnel in this organisation and change will happen sooner rather than later.

I'm glad I stuck with public mental health system although I had no choice on multiple involuntary admissions. After 26 years in the system I am now completely stable and no longer displaying any symptoms of my condition (bipolar disorder type 1).

My mission is to stand up, voice my concerns at the highest level possible and be counted. Will I succeed? Yes! I will play my part in engendering cha for the common good.

I realise I sound full of myself but in reality I am determined to make my dark and torturous as well as extremely past count as a life well lived.

My thanks go to the local police who looked after me when I was no longer able to look after myself and who on too many occasions prevented me from completing suicide. 🎶💕

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

My next question then, in responseto some suggestions already made, and I'm not sure if this has been answered before, is

"How can we, as people with a MI, get through to 'the powers that be' the importance of consulting with exactly people like us. Where is the consultation - not consulting with health professionals etc but actually the people that such reforms and policies actually affect".


Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT


I think the program is only applicable for abuse that happened in Australia - I didn't grow up here.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

@Kurra - you never cease to amaze me!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Choice is such a deal changer. Under NDIS I now have options instead of hospital, support to stay at home when I need to be with people and support to be getting better at being independent. At the start the only choice I had was to sack services and individuals who were not helpful but gradually I'm getting a team of great workers who are passionate about their caring jobs. I know that better training in trauma issues and an overall code of appropriate and quality care would help enormously. The disability sector is as messed up as mental health and a lot of good workers who want better for consumers have no voices either. I hope the plan addresses support for whistle blowers and makes everyone feel responsible for speaking up about abuse and neglect. If I continue to do well, I will save lots of money by staying out of hospital. If the philosophy of choice and control is spread to include all services then change can happen

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

@FrankGQuinlan When you talk about consumer choice, for a free market to work efficiently requires perfect knowledge, and this isn't the case in the medical system as a whole.

We have to choose a psychiatrist or psychologist with no real knowledge of what philosophy of treatment they follow, let alone anything of their experience or  success rates with various types of presentations.

When we pay $380 for a first consultation and ask to both be present, and are then told blankly "we don't work that way", despite many recent evidence based studies saying that is the most efficatious method, the market is not working efficiently!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I am really enjoying our converstation tonight - but having trouble keeping up!!!!

Sorry if I dont get to all your questions and comments - I will certainly read them all after the forum closes.

I did want to encourage you all to stay in touch with the reform process.  Expecially the 5th plan.

You will get more if you visit here:

and take every opportunity to have input.

As I have said you can also contact your local member and tell them your experience - this really makes a dfference. Write them a letter it you are not confident to talk directly.

And continue to support organisations like SANE and Mental Health Australia.  We need to hear your experiences and your ideas about improving the future.

Finally - sorry about all my typos - this is all happening very fast 🙂