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Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Hi @AussieGirl I hope you're feeling better soon. This thread will be available to view whenever you feel up to it.

Take care

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I hope you feel better soon - take care 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Disappointing @Former-Member - makes you wonder what things are like in regional and remote areas.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Seclusion is one of the few areas where there is a clear target to reduce seclsusion and annual reporting of such events.

Slow progress, but heading in the right direction at least!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I am sorry if you think we lack ideas - we put a lot of ideas to governments.

We certainly do lack resources...

What ideas would you like to see us taking forward? Things we are not doing already?

Keen to understand your concerns 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

The same as @Former-Member When we can only access 10 MHCP sessions and sometimes these sessions are only enough to just 'scratch the surface' and then you are left with more todeal with than before you started - how is that looking after people in terms of their mental health. The alternative is private cover or our own out of pocket expenses and if you cannot work because of your MH where does the money come from. It's a very vicious circle that can make you worse rather than better.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Hi @NikNik @FrankGQuinlan

I'm not sure if I understand what is going on tonight.  But why do we only have 10 sessions with a mental health plan.  And why do certain private hosptials close over christmas discharging their patients while still trying new meds. That's what happened to me and it was disgusting and terrible.

sorry if this is not the right place to say this.


Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I'm also in Sydney. I got dragged into hospital by the police back in November because someone mistakenly thought I was at imminent risk of suicide. Arrived at the hosptial at 9pm, wasn't seen until 4:30am, locked up in the psych ward until I could be seen by a psychiatrist at 11am and then sent home. Yeah...that was helpful...Smiley Mad

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Thanks @Zoe7, we'd like to see MH treated like any other illness.

You get the treatment you need, when you need it, without the rationing!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I wonder how accurate those reports will be when failing to make incident reports around even a mechanical restraint and a complaint about a seclusion is answered with the excuse that the staff memeber is on long service leave? I am regional and here the service does what it wants. i really hope the new plan gives us a voice and allows us to raise issues so everyone can have safe treatment
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