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Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

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With the changes brought about by the Fifth Mental Health Plan, many people are left trying to figure out what this means for them. What are the changes? How does this impact accessing services? How do you find information? 
Join us on February 14, to discuss this with Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia (MHA), to help decipher what mental health reform actually means for you. MHA have been working on identifying issues with the Mental Health Plan, and have a key focus on advocating on behalf consumers and carers, so that their voices can be heard during reform. During this discussion, we will unpack how these policy changes will impact on your everyday life, address concerns that you may have, and what you can do to have your opinions heard. 
Things you can do now
1. Reigster here if you're not an existing SANE Forums member
2. Hit 'Like' below so we can shout out a reminder on the night
3. Do changes to mental health services stress you out? Check out our blog.


163 REPLIES 163

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Great topic @CherryBomb - I hope I'll be free to join in!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Hi 🙂 I assume that I'm as existing SANE forum member now? and don't have to register for the discussion? Thank you

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Im eager to hear about any changes regarding my rights in hospital being protected particularly regarding restraint and seclusion. In the past when people dont follow the guidelines there has been no accountability or open disclosure.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I think that the situation is terrible. Mental Health in Australia lacks idea, funds and vision. And what the Government does is to keep cutting services and funds. Yes, SANE Australia could be good but I am afraid that it is influenced by Governments and decisionmakers and what they can do is very limited.


We are certainly in sertious trouble. I am an online  volunteer helper and in this position I am in touch with psychologists, sufferers and their carers. Their lives are changing for the worst. The current Liberal Government is unaware of the lack of policies, cuts to services and damage that they are causing.


I remember that in 2011 Josh Frydenberg came on TV with my friends, Professor McGorry and Dr Anthony Kidman, and he criticised Labour very much. Today the Liberals offer reduced services and are unaware of the lack of help for those with Mental Illness and their Families. I mean the Liberals where contemplating eliminating headspace and other early intervention services. This says everything.

We also seem to be a country that is focused more on anti psychotics and medication rather than helping people to recover, largely because recovery can be more expensive in the immediate terms, even though the medical model ends up costing a lot more in hidden costs and in the long run.


I think that Australia will be left behind by other nations when it comes to Mental Illness unbless something changes. We seem to be going back rather than moving farward.


Oh by the way, the Centrelink Debt Recovery may be causing suicides and certainly is making a lot of sufferers very stressed. Is there not a better way to do this?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Yep, the big divide: money vs humanity
We need to get back closer to home, community! Whats in front of us, caring for our neighbours. How?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Mental health forum's fail to include the spiritual aspect in a holistic treatment process. Medicine alone did nothing to prevent the suicide of my late doctor husband after fighting for 27 year's in support of his severe Bipolar Disorder diagnosed in 1980's after having a family of 4 children. My 4th didn't escape unscathed as she only knew Bipolar dad from the age of one. She is 33 & has a son. I gave her my book's so she can choose not to be like her dad. Overcome is an ancient but tried & tested spiritual concept. I know b'cos I chose it rather than succumb to abuse & cruel lies....

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

After nearly 50 Years struggling with Mental Health Issues I like to thank Big Pharma, not the Medical Health Profession for giving me a reasonable Productive Life and I owe it all to you what I achiever and the Australian Taxpayer who subsidised the Medication! I tried to pay back as much as Could! Thank you! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Hi Everyone, very much looking forward to tonight's forum on mental health reform.

I am very eager to hear and discuss your ideas, and if you are interested I have recently written about a few ideas for mental health reform of my own.

Follow the link here - Time to fix mental health!

Look forward to chatting tonight!



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