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Re: My special place

Are you going to the snow anytime soon @Snowie ?

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , am so impressed you took your nasty mother out for lunch. I hope it went OK? 


I will send wishes you can stay asleep for longer 🤞


I achieved hardly anything on the weekend. Now work today. Trying to avoid another slump. 


Hoping you can have an OK day today... 💙

Re: My special place

@Eve7 hoping to go to the snow in about 2 weeks time. Looking forward to it.


Lunch went ok @NatureLover Contacted Alzheimer's Australia afterwards and they were really helpful. Sending some info out to us.


I hope your day went well and you got through it ok.


Sending love to you both 💕💕

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , that's good Alzheimers Australia have sent you some info. I hope it's useful. 


Also good you have the snow trip to look forward to 👍


Hoping you're OK 🤞

Re: My special place

Just jumped online this evening to check if you were online today @Snowie as notifications are on the blink still I think...


I see you're not online today, hoping you're safe... 🤞


Sending wishes 💙

Re: My special place

Hey @NatureLover 

Yes notifications seem to be hit or miss lately.


Just came online to check in and see how people are.


Almost through another day. My sh is increasing, will be in bed soon.

SW meant to turn up tomorrow. Will see what excuse he uses this week 🤦‍♀️


I hope today has been ok for you hon 💗💗


Re: My special place

I am so dumb

I am so stupid


I really thought that the SW would come today. I've sat here for the last 2 hours waiting. No call, no message, nothing.

Prn is not helping, just so useless.


Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie it's completely reasonable to expect someone to show up when they're scheduled to.


You're not stupid for giving them the benefit of the doubt. This is on the SW who didn't respect your time enough to even let you know and the prn who aren't helping.



Re: My special place

No I am stupid @Ru-bee 

It's not the first, nor second, nor the third time he has been a no show. At least with the other times he has messaged me. This time it's no communication at all.

Things are heightened now.

Re: My special place

@Snowie  I am so sorry that again your sw has let you down and worse, he has left you waiting without any communication. 

I really hope that you will consider reporting him. Or at least making your thoughts known to someone in charge. 

you are NOT stupid because of this either.