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Re: My special place

I always cook more @creative_writer so I have some in the freezer for nights where I don't feel like cooking.


After such a busy week it might be nice to have a relaxing weekend where you don't have to do much.


I'm not sure what age you are hon, but I think you are an amazing person. Even with your own struggles you are here to support others. You come across as a caring and loving person. I don't think it has to do with age, I think it has to do with the person that you are.

If it helps, I struggle to connect with anyone else, regardless of their age.


Re: My special place

@Snowie a lot of our food gets cooked on the weekend and is frozen.

I find it hard to connect with other young people. I don’t know if it’s my maturity, or whether I just have mental health. I almost 30, but don’t really gel well with most my age. You’re amazing and loving yourself 💖

Re: My special place

I love those frozen nights @creative_writer We can all have different things for tea and it's still good for them.


It might be a mixture of both. With your MH you probably have had to mature a lot quickly. You have had to deal with a lot more than other people your age. 

I think it has to do a lot with my MH that I don't connect with others. But then again I don't try and connect with others.


Re: My special place

@Snowie it helps to make food in larger quantities.

I think trauma does cause many of us to grow up faster than we otherwise would have. I feel like I don’t relate on an emotional level with many people

Re: My special place

@creative_writer I think deep down I am afraid to connect with people too. I am afraid that if I let them into my inner circle that they would reject me, cast me away. I think it is also hard to relate to people. 


I am going to say goodnight hon. D is asleep so will try to sleep whilst she is.

Thanks for keeping me company tonight. I don't think you realise just how much it has helped me.

You really are a true friend. I hope you sleep well tonight. Talk tomorrow 💕💕


Re: My special place

@Snowie I fear rejection too. I fear not belonging. I rather be alone and lonely than be lonely surrounded by people.

I hope you sleep well, rest up tonight, hon. You are worth more than you realise 💖

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , was your sleep last night any better? Really hope so...


I hope D is not in too much pain...


I'm also glad it has helped distract you from your MH. 


Take care of yourself too, @Snowie ... Sending care 💙

Re: My special place

@creative_writer yes, the fear of rejection stops me too. Sometimes I can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.


@NatureLover sleep last night was still crap. Coffee will help!!


Just waiting for D to wake up to see how she is. Checked on her a few times during the night and she was asleep so hopefully she slept through the night. They put a local in her mouth yesterday so they said it will wear off and day 2 and 3 will be the worse in terms of pain. She was given some strong pain relief so that should help.


I hope you both have a nice day today. Sending lots of love 💗💗

Re: My special place

How is D going. @Snowie 


How are you going?

Re: My special place

She is sore and swollen today @Captain24 

She is on some strong pain relief which is helping, just making her a little spaced out. Making her tired too so hoping she can have some naps during the day. I've told her just to keep up with the pain relief instead of letting the pain getting really bad and then taking something.

This is the quietest I've ever seen her!!!


I'm going ok thanks. Looking after D is giving me some purpose atm, so I think it is distracting me from other things. Just watched the F1 practice and now going to watch the footy.