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Re: Cook Along

@Former-Member I look forward to seeing it once the photo is available 🙂

Re: Cook Along

The picture hasn't uploaded yet @Former-Member. Quinoa is a good low carb alternative to rice to keep the blood sugars more stable and the weight down. I hope you enjoyed your meal! Well done! I just had some parsnip rosemary roasties which I planned to have with a side serve of home made brown lentil and chickpea curried patties and keto BBQ sauce. Light and healthy

Re: Cook Along

You should be proud of that, it looks like a hearty meal @Former-Member! I will have to go and buy a shank and get back into braising again. These days I just buy cheap cuts of organic meat like mince to keep costs down. A 500g tray of organic beef or lamb mince is $16.00 which $4 per meal. I divide it into quarters then bag it individually. Even the offal is up there in price for organic. Just checked the shank and it was super expensive just for one person. I may just stick to mince. Might check out their kidneys though, love the smell of kidneys cooking on a cold day!

Not applicable

Re: Cook Along

Thanks @SmilingGecko 🙂🌺

it was really tasty with quinoa, and in find that quinoa is easier to cook then rice, also 🙂

your dinner sounds just lovely, very healthy 💜🙂

meat is getting very expensive in Australia, unfortunately. There are some really nice veggie alternatives, however I find that sometimes I can’t digest them very well. 
I love lambs fry, and making stewed kidneys to make a pie … it’s been decades since last made, however talking about it brings back many older recipes that could do with a good dust-off and cook up! 🙌🏻☺️🌺

I hope you’re having a nice evening SmilingGecko 🙂🌺

Re: Cook Along

Yeah, expensive meat! Seems like we have a lot of meat to send overseas ??? @Former-Member 


Oh well, not my place to debate lol. 


Looks yum anyway. I had salmon, rice and veggies for dinner tonight. It was so delish... then I realised it's because I forgot to eat today except a piece of toast at 7am! ooops!

Not applicable

Re: Cook Along

So much of our meat goes overseas @tyme  , unfortunately. The prices are best for the producer… many years ago I used to team manage a beef/sheep grazing property, and the beef we sold all went overseas because it was top quality. None of it was circulated within the Australian market sadly. Some other producers would see their beef and lamb go overseas, get processed, and shipped back to Australia and sold here at a huge markup - I’m not sure if that still happens these days? At the time, it was sold as Aussie meat, but it had been around the world before being sold to the end consumer here…so much more expensive 😔

I was in my late teens, along with the other guy who I managed the property with, and nobody would really listen to us because we were considered too young to have an opinion of value - this was something I learned early… no matter how old or young somebody is, it’s their life experience along with how they choose or are able to use that, which is what matters, not just their age 💜🙂

If they have something to say, let it be heard 🌺☺️

your dinner sounded delicious, and I’m sure it would’ve been extra tasty after forgetting to eat beforehand 😋

if I may, what do you think of using a prompt to eat..? I use those because I forget to eat and drink through the day, so I set little pop up reminders, which tend to help a bit 🌺🙂

what do you think? ☺️🦩


Re: Cook Along

I'm usually so busy, and hence I forget to eat. And when I do eat, I'm ravenous... it's not healthy. @Former-Member 


COVID was my healthiest time. I had such a regular routine, I didn't need to fly out of the house and so I woke up, went for a walk, came back to eat (sitting down!), attended some meetings, then had lunch, went for a walk etc.... COVID lockdowns really taught me a lot about being healthy. 


I think i just need to get back into it and slow down a little @Former-Member 


Hope you are looking after yourself too!

Re: Cook Along



Here is my Banana Bread @Oaktree @Former-Member @tyme @SmilingGecko @creative_writer @ENKELI @Shaz51 

I'll post my lasagna tonight after dinner. 

Re: Cook Along

Nice @Birdofparadise8 . Looks yum. Is it a yellowish colour? Or is that the light?

Re: Cook Along

It's probably the light, but it did have three bananas in it @tyme 

Does your sister ever make it?