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Re: Everything music

@TABs no i dont but will look it up. am going for a nap catch you later Later feeling exhausted. had ex, mother and son2  visit love them but am so tired.x

Re: Everything music

ok @greenpea  other reason I hate Elbo is because he wont put dole up ..

Re: Everything music

Yep, I’m mentally ill and I’m burning bridges with my behavior all the time. I don’t know why I have this leaving Las Vegas, lemmings compulsive muscle, self annihilating vibe. Little kids like me. Animals like me. Surely I’m not a person, rotten like dead fruit. Or am I?  
I present well in person. Patriarchal old man psychiatrists just assume I’m hysterical and will be ok if they say I am.  Young hip

Women tell me it’s something in my environment and relationships. 
mental health is very difficult to navigate. I don’t have schizophrenia, I don’t care if anyone abandons me, I don’t have borderline personality. I don’t have bipolar. I’m depressed all of the time, I’m super anxious. 
My problem is global and pervasive. 
im ranting 

Re: Everything music

Hi @ChouxieChou just want you to know I'm hearing you. Always helps to have a vent! If you'd like to chat about anything let me know! If you just needed to get stuff off your chest that's all good too 😉💜

Re: Everything music

@TAB 😆 where the heck are you getting your information from regarding Centrelink payment increases?


Check your sources mate LOL 🤪


Re: Everything music

@greenpea I’m tapped out of inspiration. I’ve been trying to think of a song for you.

I’m seriously tired. Think I’ll call it a night.

Nighty night 


Re: Everything music

@Glisten @Jynx @ChouxieChou @TAB @PeppyPatti @StuF  good morning everyone hope you all have a wonderful sunday.


Re: Everything music

@Glisten   hey G here is one for you.


Re: Everything music

You too @greenpea 

Is it warm there ? 20 deg here 4am ..winter.. 

Re: Everything music

@TAB  shit 20 degrees .... is 17 here i think is raining though and cool change meant to be coming through later today thank god.  i have a feeling will be a hot summer .. hope i am wrong.

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