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Delusion Disorder

I am needing some advice on how to deal with delusion disorder in a loved one as I believe this to be something my husband is suffering. I have been accussed of many hurtful things that I have not done. The more I deny the worse the accusations become and he keeps telling me I am playing games and lying to him. I love my husband dearly and I will stand by him no matter what but due to the things he is believing to be true he says our marriage of 27 years is over. I have tried to get us help together and we saw a marriage councillor but he would not return after the first appointment as he says I am lying and making him out to be "crazy". I cannot give up on him and our life together


Re: Delusion Disorder

Hi @passivebynature

KobeCat here, one of the overnight moderators.   

Welcome to the forums!  It sounds like things are difficult for you right now, and you have some big decisions ahead.   I hope you find the forums to be a supportive, safe space to discuss whats happening in your world.  




Not applicable

Re: Delusion Disorder

Hi @passivebynature

Here are some links that might help you

Here is a short 15 min talk gives 4 good strategies to help when MI enters family.

I have been recommended a book by Xavier Amador "I am Not Sick, I Do Not Need Help"
His focus is how to get a patient to accept help when they cannot see or accept they have a mental health problem.

I have not read the book but have watched his lectures on YouTube and others might find his approach helpful.

Part 1:

Part 2:

This is a coping method that the Qld mental health resources for carers website suggests.

Really helpful for delusion disorder is 60 tips for helping people who have schizophrenia from

Re: Delusion Disorder

Hi @passivebynature

There's some great resources provided by @Former-Member there - I hope you have found them helpful.

When I read your post, it reminded me of a past discussion of @Lily 's experience, 'confused wife, paranoid husband'. It may or may not resonate with you, but I thought I'd share it.

I also thought it would be worth sharing a link to our upcoming Topic Tuesday - 'Caring for men who don't care about themselves'

Has your husband had any treatment for mental health challenges before? 

Is this a relatively new thing?