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Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

what wonderful time to spend together @hanami , making memories 😍 

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

I played Scrabble, @Shaz51 as I'm a word person. I have been playing against the computer for a while now, and it's (almost) impossible to beat—words of African animals and plants, words that are misspelt, slang etc. Anyway, it keeps me busy and changes direction when I need one.


I've also been playing Mahjong on the computer lately, and moves whirl about in my head for hours after.


I cannot abide Monopoly as it's just too distressing to lose. I used to play Canasta and another card game that I can't remember the name of. 


I'm wearing my new socks today. A pack of 3 pair that say Life is Good, and it seems to be working. 


I hope you're doing well. 😊

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

yes I like Scrabble too @Historylover i play against others on the computer , you just have to wait for them to have their turn 


 Monopoly and Canasta were ok , ha ha but too much cheating with my cousins 

my older family members used to play theses all the time when i was growing up 


Mahjong on the computer -- have not played this yet 


Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

Monopoly, love it though never have anyone to play it with, less who will play to conclusion.

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

Hiya @Shaz51  🙂


Games? Used to love playing Yahtzee with my grandmother. Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit...One of my mate's folks had a holiday place on the coast and always played Game of Life there. And Uno, too


But these days I play nothing

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

wow @StuF  i have played all them in the past ----Yahtzee ,  Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit..., game of life and  Uno, too


have not played these for a loooonng time 

and my husband hates board games 

@hanami , @Historylover , @ClockFace 

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday


New socks... One the world's best simple pleasures! 😊

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

hello @Kyle1 😊

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

Hello, @Shaz51 

How's things?

Re: Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday

ok here @Kyle1 , how about you 

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