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We've got your back

Hello @Shaz51 @Owlunar2 @Emelia8 @ClockFace @Appleblossom and anyone and everyone

I hope I'm not intruding... I thought I'd start a space for people with back issues if they haven't connected elsewhere. 

After months of being fobbed off by my gp I've been diagnosed with lumbar spine issues. Findings include arthropathy, stenosis, bulging discs, L5 nerve root impingement (both sides) and crowded cauda equina. Pain and discomfort, fatigue and depression, pelvic issues. I'm trying to push through and stay mobile but I can't do as much as i used to. Staying positive is hard. When my gp gave me the printed MRI report she walked out of the office before I could ask any questions. I'm starting with an osteopath next week.

I guess I'm hoping for tips and mutual support. Thanks for reading.






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Re: We've got your back

Hey @Dimity 


Clever subject line and lovely idea!

While I don't have back issues, thought I'd say I feel for you all. My husband suffers bad and due to his work (builder) his back flares up often. He has recently had scans and it showed a bulging disc. He could barely walk he was in so much pain. His physio recommended steroid injections and he said yes. So afterwards, last weekend he said he hasn't felt so good in years. But he knows this won't last forever and may eventually need surgery. I hope you all find some relief in some way. 


Much love to all


Re: We've got your back

Thanks @hanami .  Glad your husband found some relief. 

Re: We've got your back

@Dimity  sending you lots of understanding hugs my friend 

My Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis gives me pain every day in back and hips 

I like to take more pain relief meds but not allowed to because of the kidney disease 

I can not do as much as I used to 

Lots of different  creams 

Re: We've got your back

Hugs to you too @Shaz51 

I've tried to avoid pain relief meds but might take them a bit more until it settles down. A heat pack is good at night.

I'm soooo glad for you you're not having to work as much.

Re: We've got your back

A very warm shower is nice @Dimity  and a heat packs are good 

With pain relief meds I usually take them when really back 


@hanami  what does your husband do or use other times in pain 

Re: We've got your back

@Shaz51 he usually takes anti inflammatories such as the OTC ones but this last flare up was so bad he got stronger anti inflammatories (prescription ones) plus stronger pain killers. He didn't think they helped much. 

He also sees a physio which usually help. The physio encourages him to do stretches each day. We also have a massage chair he uses. It's a lot, hey! x

Re: We've got your back

Love it @Dimity @Shaz51 !


I'm glad you've got my back. I have bouts of back pain once every so often. When I was a teen, I was into martial arts and got thrown in a match. I landed on my back instead of my side. Since then, I'm more prone to back pain.


It's as though something 'clicks' and then I'm bedridden for at least a week. 


I need orthotics in my shoes to ensure correct posture is maintained. When I don't wear the orthotics, it's easier for something to happen to my back.


Back exercises are helpful, but I don't tend to remember to do them unless I'm in severe pain!


Hence this thread is helpful because you can remind me to do the exercises as we all only have one back!

Re: We've got your back

Ouch @tyme that's not good. I have orthotics but haven't been changing them between shoes. Have you ever tried Feldenkrais? Years ago when I first had a bit of back pain it taught me new ways to move, especially getting up out of bed. And exercise was helpful. I'm currently waiting on guidance.





Re: We've got your back

I haven't tried Feldenkrais. I need it though. I'm so hopeless at being mindful about how I move. 


As for the orthotics, I don't often change them between shoes because there are some shoes that you can't wear them in. I don't mind having the orthotics, but I don't want to be in lace up shoes all the time. But seriously, I pay for it later if I don't wear the orthotics..... @Dimity 

I really have to do more back exercises to strengthen my back muscles.